I Like Big Blocks And I Cannot Lie

The H200-4R transmission is done!  This  unit has been built to withstand up to 400hp.

The TH200-4R transmission is done! This unit has been built to withstand up to 400hp.

Prepping the new cylinder heads for paint.  Here we're using a simple gasket making technique to mask off the exhaust ports.

Prepping the new cylinder heads for paint. Here we’re using a simple gasket making technique to mask off the exhaust ports.


Yeahh, I know. It’s not a big block, but I simply could not resist placing that in there! Guess what guess what guess what??!!! We started on the Engine with the Dart engine heads we have!! Woohoo!! This week, we put some final touches on the transmission and painted our new upgraded engine heads “Chevy Engine Orange”. Ohhh yeah!

We primed the heads with an aluminum-etching primer for better adhesion for the final paint coat.

We primed the heads with an aluminum-etching primer for better adhesion for the final paint coat.

First, we wiped this stuff called acetone on the engine heads before paint or primer to prevent any paint defects due to oil-of any kind. Fun garage fact for the ladies: Acetone is an excellent nail polish remover. So if you’re out of nail polish remover, then no need to fear, just dig into your dad’s/husband’s garage and you’ll probably find some in there.

The new Dart  SHP cylinder heads in fresh Chevy engine orange paint.

The new Dart SHP cylinder heads in fresh Chevy engine orange paint.

Now before the guys run off screaming for the hills, we then sprayed the heads with primer that we got from Menards. A day later, we sprayed the engine heads with “Chevy Engine Orange” paint that we ordered from Eastwood. After a few coats, these heads look more beautiful than anything! IMG_20131005_122507

Not much to say today, but rest assured that progress is being made. Tune in to the blog next Sunday to find out what my dad and I work on next! Psst…… the picture above is a sneak peak! ‘Cause not every teenage girl gets to work on a Corvette! Thanks for reading and for the support! God bless ya’ll! ~Jackie

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