The L-48 engine with one cylinder head removed. Cylinder #5 (2nd from the right) has a problem with the oil rings (which will be replaced), as shown by the shiny black surface.

The cylinder bores are in excellent shape with no ridge-wear evident. The edge shown in the picture is simply the boundary between the section of the bore that was polished by the rings, and the original finish. A “fingernail test” showed no edge in the metal. This is great news since if the other cylinders check out, this engine will not need a re-bore.

Removing the connecting rod and piston. The 3/8″ fuel line hose is used to keep the rod bolts from scratching the cylinder bores.
Hey guys!! Before I begin, I just wanna say that I didn’t get much work on the car at all because my parents were away last week, and I was on a retreat over the weekend and I just got back today. However, my dad was so anxious to take the engine apart some more that he worked alone yesterday on it while I was away.
Bad news. it turns out the we do have to take the engine to a machine shop because there was some cylinder wear after all. We’ll probably take it to the shop this week. On the other hand, everything else looks pretty dang good. Right now, we are trying to decide which engine rebuild kit we should buy. If anybody has any recommendations then comment and Ill check it out. I could use all the help I could get.
Anyway, like the cartoon pig said at the end of the classic cartoons that I watched when I was younger, “Th-th-th-th-that’s all, folks!” ‘Cause not every teenager can write a blog post after a nearly sleepless weekend at camp, but I can!” Thanks for reading, and God bless ya’ll!